Issues and approach for integrating a human into Robotic Exoskeletons

Robotic Exoskeletons are an example of the extent in which we have molded machines to human bodies. While most are still in prototype stages, they can mostly be classified as paralytic, commercial and military. They all have one thing in common: enhance human physical capability. Though they are small and have limited functionality, they pack a lot of computing power and strength; so they can rapidly evolve into a full-fledged system.



The system already shares a close relationship with the user, but there are improvements that can be done to better integrate humans with the system. Most of the below remarks apply to commercial and military robotic exoskeletons since they tend to be utilized and integrated as part of a larger system.



Commercial robotic exoskeletons are being developed to aid humans in lifting and maneuvering heavy objects and tools. They are useful in environments that are inaccessible to larger machines. Tasks like moving a refrigerator could be done by a single person instead of two. Military robotic exoskeletons are intended to carry heavy loads for extended periods. Soldiers could carry extended ammunition and gear by foot to extend their survivability.


  • Prediction: Our body uses information from our senses to make decisions and guide our muscles. We avoid hitting obstacles when moving; adjust our pace based on traffic, and react to temperature. Current systems are more reactive than proactive, meaning that they need a little push from the user to let them know you intend to do something. This can cause a small lag and redundant input from the user. The system should be able to directly read into the human brain or body part where it can tap into body signals for better precision.
  • Assistance: In case the user becomes unable to operate the system, such as wounded soldier, a remote user should be able to take over and guide the system to safety.
  • Training: Users should be trained and assimilated with the equipment. Though the system should be simple to operate, the user should be prepared over the physical and psychological forces it will receive.
  • Flexibility: The user should operate a single task a time, but should have the autonomy decide which task and how to operate.


  • Over dependency: Users could start using the device for menial tasks. Just as some users drive their cars from parking lot to parking lot instead of a 3 minute walk, users could take the lazy approach such as sitting down and standing up. Basic dexterity and motor skills could degrade with time.
  • Against personal will: There is always the risk of someone taking over the system. For example, overworking a factory worker or locking a soldier to stand ground in a danger zone.
  • Double edge sword: Humans are still prone to errors. The task could be performed two times as good, as well as two times as bad. Fail switches might not be able to detect when an action leads to an error.

Having the above items under consideration, below diagram shows how a possible way to integrate a human into the system. The intent is to keep a balance between user operation and machine performance while meeting stakeholder’s goals.




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